Can Your Beliefs Cure Cancer?

Bruce Lipton a cell biologist thinks so!  A relatively new science called Epigenetics is showing that our beliefs impacts our genes and ultimately physical health.  Watch this short video of Bruce Lipton an expert on the biology of belief.  

PTSD - Is it Treatable?

Yes, the answer is Yes!!!

How do I know?  I have had the honor of helping Veterans with severe PTSD overcome their symptoms facilitating PSYCH-K.  In have been a psychotherapist for 35 years and have been trained in a variety of clinical techniques including Cognitive Processing Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as well as PSYCH-K.  The Veterans I have worked with using PSYCH-K have reported significant relief in their symptoms.  The reason is that PSYCH-K disconnects the emotional charge on a subconscious level from the memory of the event. 

There are many Veterans who have seen and done things that most of us can not imagine.  A common way for them to cope is to not talk to anyone about what they have seen and done but to keep these deep dark secrets to themselves. The consequence of war is that those who have assured their country's freedom live a life of emotional torment.  They can be quick to get angry and even violent. They tend to avoid people and public places. They may resort to drugs and alcohol as a way of dealing with their pain and suffering and any kind of stress can be very difficult for them to handle so they tend keep to themselves.  

PSYCH-K is a powerful tool that can free a Veteran from his or her demons.  The Veteran does not even have to tell their story of what happened.  This is particularly helpful for those who have been sworn to secrecy or just do not want to talk about what they have experienced.  

Sessions are available SKYPE, phone, or in person.  I am happy to provide a free phone or Skype consultation.  I offer a full money back guarantee for the first session if you are not satisfied.  Put and PSYCH-K and my services to the test. What do you have to lose?   Just click here

You can go to the international PSYCH-K website by clicking here.  

Biology of Belief

Biology of Belief

What do you really believe about yourself? When did you pick up those beliefs?  Are your conscious beliefs the same as your unconscious beliefs? How do you think these different beliefs impact your feelings, your actions, your health, and your life as a whole?    

Bruce Lipton, PhD a cell biologist has done extensive research in something called epigenitics. He shows how stressors in our lives including negative thoughts and emotions directly impact our cells.  We hear so much lately about our genes and how important they are to our makeup. Dr. Lipton, however, turns that thinking on its head and shows us that in fact our thinking causes our genes to change.   

So what does that really mean?  Our thoughts are very powerful! Especially our subconscious ones because they drive 95% of our behavior.  When we start looking at and dealing with our subconscious thoughts and traumas we can start living a more full and satisfying life.  

Dr. Lipton's work summarizing his findings, is entitled "The Biology of Belief", He has also written "Spontaneous Evolution".  See Video



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